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«Hyperbolic Fourier series, interpolation, and the Klein-Gordon equation»

«Hyperbolic Fourier series, interpolation, and the Klein-Gordon equation»

Thursday, December 23, 17:15
Zoom 958-115-833, room 105 (14 th line V.O., 29)


Håkan Hedenmalm (KTH & SPbSU)

Hyperbolic Fourier series is a generalization of the concept of Fourier series. While Fourier series applies to periodic functions or distributions, hyperbolic Fourier series have no such restrictions of periodicity. Any reasonable (aperiodic) function may be represented uniquely in such series. Such series representation is intimately connected with interpolation for the Klein-Gordon equation, the first nontrivial hyperbolic PDE after the wave equation.

Everyone is welcome!