Russia, 199178, St. Petersburg, 14 line V.O., 29B
+7 (812) 363-62-32
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Educational Programs of EIMI

Educational Programs of EIMI

The EIMI invites undergraduate and graduate students, PhD students and young researchers to join the educational programs of the Institute.

1. Online school «Randomness online», 4 – 8 November.
The school consists of 3 courses, 4 lectures each. The lecture courses are:

  • Random polytopes, Zakhar Kabluchko (University of Münster)
  • Random matrices, Manjunath Krishnapur (Indian Institute of Science)
  • Floating body, Approximation by polytopes and Data depth, Elisabeth Werner (Case Western Reserve University)


2. Online Mini-Courses in Spectral Theory and Mathematical Physics, 2–26 November.
The courses:
— Schmidt subspaces of Hankel operators, Alexander Pushnitski (King’s College London)
— Toeplitz determinants and Painlevé transcendents. A Riemann–Hilbert point of view, Alexander Its (IUPUI and St. Petersburg University)
— Recent analytic and spectral results for the multi-particle Schrödinger operator, Alexander Sobolev (University College London)
