Russia, 199178, St. Petersburg, 14 line V.O., 29B
+7 (812) 363-62-32
St. Petersburg State University
Факультет математики и компьютерных наук
Chebyshev Laboratory
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Bachelor of Science
Data Science
Modern Software Engineering
Master of Science
Advanced Mathematics
Postgraduate Studies
Advanced Mathematics
PhD council
Future students
Admission office
Schedule for B.Sc. students
Mathematics: 1st year
Mathematics: 2nd year
Mathematics: 3rd year
Mathematics: 4th year
Mathematics, Algorithms and Data Science: 1st year
Modern Software Engineering: 1st year
Schedule for M.Sc. students
Advanced Mathematics: 1st year
From the training department
Scholarships by the Company «Gazprom Neft»
Travel grants
Research areas
For Bachelor’s students
Core courses
Elective courses
For Master’s students
Probability Techniques in Analysis Laboratory
Alexander S. Okhotin
Anton D. Baranov
Gleb Nenashev
Hedenmalm Haakan
Sergei V. Ivanov
Stanislav K. Smirnov
Victor A. Petrov
Directors of educational programs
Dmitriy M. Stolyarov
Dmitry S. Shalymov
Dmitry Yu. Boulytchev
Fedor V. Petrov
Maxim S. Nikolaev
Pavel A. Mozolyako
Alexander I. Khrabrov
Alexander V. Tiskin
Alexey V. Stepanov
Andrey I. Karol’
Dmitriy V. Karpov
Dmitry N. Zaporozhets
Eric T. Mortenson
Evgeny A. Fominykh
Evgeny M. Linsky
Gaiane Yu. Panina
Ilgiz Kayumov
Ivan S. Kazmenko
Kira V. Vyatkina
Maxim A. Vsemirnov
Mikhail A. Lifshits
Mikhail V. Bondarko
Nikolay D. Filonov
Nina D. Lebedeva
Pavel B. Zatitskiy
Semen S. Podkorytov
Sergei V. Kislyakov
Sergei Yu. Pilyugin
Sergey I. Nikolenko
Svetlana A. Puzynina
Svyatoslav Y. Vlasov
Timofei N. Shilkin
Viktor L. Selivanov
Vladimir V. Peller
Youri A. Davydov
Yuri S. Belov
Anastasia K. Stavrova
Anatoly M. Vershik
Andrei A. Lishanskii
Andrei Ed. Druzhinin
Egor Voronetsky
Ilya Zlotnikov
Kirill S. Ryadovkin
Lubkov Roman
Mikhail B. Dubashynskiy
Nikolai Mnev
Oleg V. Alekseev
Oskar Sultanov
Peter G. Zograf
Roman V. Mikhailov
Roman V. Romanov
Vasily I. Vasyunin
Alexey V. Rodionov
Alexey V. Stavitsky
Alina Zagorodnyuk
Andrei Semenov
Dmitry A. Pavlov
Ekaterina O. Kovilina
Elena Novozhilova
Elena V. Ikonnikova
Fedor Pavutnickiy
Iosif A. Gordon
Mariya Rossomakhina
Mark A. Dorodnyi
Maxim V. Fionin
Mihael Y. Tunik
Mikhail Y. Elizarov
Olga Fadeeva
Olga Ivanova
Polina V. Timofeeva
Sergey G. Matveenko
Ulitskaya Anastasiya
Vasily A. Sergeev
Vladimir S. Shalgin
Vladislav M. Makarov
Phd students
Alexander S. Kuznetsov
Arman A. Tadevosyan
Artem K. Nikolaev
Mikhail I. Novikov
Pavel V. Gubkin
Master students
Daria D. Aksenova
Gleb A. Yudin
Porubov Evgenii
Semen A. Petrov
Tatiana D. Moseeva
Bachelor students
Vladimir V. Shemyakov
Remote staff
Ari Laptev
Vladimir V. Tarkaev