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Minicourse “Geometric flows of networks”

Minicourse “Geometric flows of networks”

Dear Colleagues!

We are glad to infom you, that from March 23 till April 1, 2021 EIMI will carry out the first minicourse of 4 lectures “Geometric flows of networks” in frames of the thematic program “Geometric and Mathematical Analysis, and Weak Geometric Structures”:

Name: “Geometric flows of networks”
Lecturers: Matteo Novaga (Università di Pisa) and Alessandra Pluda (Università di Pisa)

Abstract: The study of geometric flows is a very flourishing mathematical field and geometric evolution equations have been applied to a variety of topological, analytical and physical problems. In particular, in the last decades a great attention has been devoted to the analysis of the mean curvature flow. In this series of lectures we will introduce the notion of curvature flow of curves and networks, describing the possible approaches to this geometric evolution. We will present the state of the art of the problem, from the short time existence and uniqueness to a description of the long time behavior and singularity formation. We will conclude the course with some recent extensions to higher order flows and a list of open problems.

– Lecture 1: Formulation of the curvature flow of curves and networks
and preliminary results. Tuesday, 23.03, 18.00-19.30 MSK
– Lecture 2: Short time existence and uniqueness of the motion by
curvature of networks. Thursday, 25.03, 18.00-19.30 MSK
– Lecture 3: Monotonicity formula and analysis of singularities. Tuesday, 30.03, 18.00-19.30 MSK
– Lecture 4: Elastic flow of curves and networks: State of the art
and open problems. Thursday, 01.04, 18.00-19.30 MSK

Please register to participate.
After the registration you will receive an email with the detailed information.

The records of the lectures.