Alexander Bobenko (TU Berlin)
Chebyshev Lab Colloquium
Thursday 5 April 17:15 room 14 (14-th line V.I., 29)
An emerging field of discrete differential geometry aims at the development of discrete equivalents of notions and methods of classical differential geometry, in particular of surface theory. The latter appears as a limit of a refinement of the discretization. Current interest in discrete differential geometry derives not only from its importance in pure mathematics but also from its applications in computer graphics, theoretical physics, architecture and numerics. This lecture is about quadrilateral surfaces, i. e. surfaces built from planar quadrilaterals. They can be seen as discrete parametrized surfaces. Discrete curvatures as well as special classes of quadrilateral surfaces, in particular discrete minimal surfaces are considered.
I plan also to show a new animation movie “Koebe polyhedra and minimal surfaces”.
The lecture will be in Russian.