09.2022 Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Mathematics and Physics («Mathematical logic, algebra, number theory, and discrete mathematics»)
Institution: St. Petersburg State University
Thesis: Overgroups of the elementary subgroups of reductive groups in irreducible representations
Advisors: N. Vavilov and V. Petrov
06.2017 M.Sc. in Mathematics
Institution: St. Petersburg State University
06.2015 B.Sc. in Mathematics
Institution: St. Petersburg State University
1. R. Lubkov, I. Nekrasov. Overgroups of exterior powers of an elementary group. Levels. Linear
Multilinear Algebr., 2022. DOI: 10.1080/03081087.2022.2160422
2. R. Lubkov. The reverse decomposition of unipotens in polyvector representations. J. Math. Sci.,
513, 120–138, 2022
3. R. Lubkov. The reverse decomposition of unipotents for bivectors. Commun. Algebr., 49(10):4546–
4556, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1080/00927872.2021.1924183
4. Lubkov, R., Stepanov, A. Subgroups of Chevalley Groups Over Rings. J Math Sci 252, 829–840 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10958-021-05203-x
5. R. A. Lubkov and I. I. Nekrasov. Explicit Equations for Exterior Square of the General Linear Group.
J. Math. Sci., 243(4):583–594, 2019.