The Laboratory «Probability Techniques in Analysis» was established in June, 2021, following the 8th mega-grant competition of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
The aim of the Laboratory is to develop modern research at the intersection of mathematical analysis, probability and statistical physics. The laboratory is comprised of several research groups:
• Håkan Hedenmalm and Nikolai Makarov are working on determinantal processes and their applications in the random matrix theory, Coulomb gas and hydrodynamics;
• Pavel Wiegmann and Steven Zelditch are studying inverse problems in the potential theory, quantum hydrodynamics and quantum gravity;
• Anton Baranov and Yurii Belov are investigating applications of complex analysis to problems in time-frequency analysis and operatgor theory.
In addition there is an ongoing research related to applications of complex analysis to hydrodynamics and information transmission.
Project leader
Håkan Hedenmalm, professor at Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Sweden)

Principal researchers
Anton Baranov, professor at SPbU
Yurii Belov, professor at SPbU
Pavel Wiegmann, professor at the University of Chicago (USA)
Ilgiz Kayumov, professor at the Kazan Federal University
Mark Malamud, professor at the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics; RUDN University
Vladimir Peller, professor at SPbU