11.2009 — D.Sci.
Institution: St. Petersburg State University
Thesis title: Topological methods in Algebraic Geometry: Rigidity and Duality.
05.1998 — Cand. Sci.
Institution: St. Petersburg State University
Thesis title: Some special complexes computing homology of linear groups.
Advisor: Prof. A.Suslin
11.1997 — Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Institution: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA.
Advisor: Prof. A.Suslin
06.1991 — Diploma (M.Sc) in Mathematics
Institution: St. Petersburg State University
Advisor: Prof. A.Malyshev
Scientific interests
- Topological methods in Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory: homotopy of schemes, rigidity, duality, Riemann-Roch theorem.
- Motivic cohomological operations, infinite loop spaces, operads, cobordism and formal groups, Friedlander-Milnor conjecture.
Selected publications
1. S.Yagunov. Motivic cohomology spectral sequence and Steenrod operations. Compositio Mathematica, 152, (10), (2016) pp. 2113—2133.
DOI: 10.1112/S0010437X16007594
2. I.Panin and S.Yagunov. T-spectra and Poincaré Duality. Journal für die Reine und Angew. Math. (Crelle's Journal), vol. 617, (2008) pp. 193—213.
DOI: 10.1515/CRELLE.2008.030
3. J.Hornbostel and S.Yagunov. Rigidity for Henselian local rings and A^1-representable theories. Mathematische Zeitschrift vol. 255, No. 2 (2007) pp. 437—449.
DOI: 10.1007/s00209-006-0049-4
4. I.Panin and S.Yagunov. Rigidity for orientable functors. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra vol. 172, No. 1 (2002) pp. 49—77.
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-4049(01)00134-7
5. S.Yagunov. Homology of bi-Grassmannian complexes. K-theory, Vol. 12, No. 3 (1997) pp. 277—292.
DOI: 10.1023/A:1007792521847